• Question: Why is the NHS free?

    Asked by JHoadleyy to Sarah, Robert on 19 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Sarah Harris

      Sarah Harris answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Because everyone deserves access to free healthcare The NHS is free because its funded by taxes; every working adult in the UK pays tax and the Department of Health allocates a portion of that to pay for the NHS. It means you don’t have to worry about affording the doctor when you’re ill, which ensures it’s not just the rich that get treated.

    • Photo: Robert Bowles

      Robert Bowles answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      I think it’s great that it’s free. It was created in 1948 after a piece of legislation that says it should be free at the point of contact. I hope that never changes! It’s the best and most cost-effective healthcare system in the world. There’s more information about the history of the NHS here:
