• Question: In your opinion, why do many young people believe chemistry is only about labratories?

    Asked by ManlykNathan to Angela on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Angela Stokes

      Angela Stokes answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Hi ManlynkNathan

      I think it is stereotypical…for example one of your fellow students thinks that the only person in ChemCareers Zone who is a scientist is Ian, because he works in a laboratory!!

      If you ask a young child what a scientist looks like they will usually paint a picture of an older man with grey hair, glasses and a white coat!

      I don’t think there is enough emphasis put on careers that rely on science and yet are not laboratory based. If we could change this I do think more people would be drawn to science as there are so many other types of science job.
