• Question: If you could bring back any scientist from the dead, who would it be and why?

    Asked by Joshua Abishek to Angela, Claire, Ian, Robert, Sarah on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Angela Stokes

      Angela Stokes answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Hi Joshua
      I have been asked many times if I could host a dinner party with four scientific guests from the past who would they be. My answer would be Dmitry Mendeleev, Leonardo da Vinci, Rosalind Franklin and Alexander Fleming.

      Mendeleev created the periodic table, da Vinci was renaissance man, who sculpted, painted and invented, Franklin was a physicist who was the first to photograph DNA and Fleming discovered penicillin.

      These four scientists are my personal heroes and I believe brought on their own area of science by such an extent that the world took a great leap forward.
