• Question: if the human race became extinct, what kind of species would evolve? Do you think it would be possible for dinosaurs to come back and will everything become larger?

    Asked by ellaaa to Angela, Claire, Ian, Robert, Sarah on 18 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Sarah Harris

      Sarah Harris answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      It would depend how humanity became extinct – the surviving species would have to be very resilient and they would more likely be small animals, rather than massive dinosaur creatures. After all, bigger animals need more food, more water, larger shelters… all would be pretty scarce if it was enough to make us extinct!

    • Photo: Angela Stokes

      Angela Stokes answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Yes I think should this happen we might find that we revert to single celled organisms exactly as Sarah has prophesised
