• Question: I know that the average age expectancy is growing all the time but do you think there is a point where can't go any further with it, like a limit to how long it is possible to live?

    Asked by coca cola :-) to Angela, Robert, Sarah on 21 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Sarah Harris

      Sarah Harris answered on 21 Nov 2014:


      I think there is a limit to how long we could live – if we were immortal then the world would be overpopulated very quickly. Your cells age too, which is why in old age people have wrinkles, and more brittle bones, and neurological disorders like dementia. In modern medicine we have found ways of prolonging the life of the body, but we’re still behind on the brain.

      The oldest person lived to 122 years old, so I think it’s probable people will commonly live into their 100’s, but I don’t think we’ll be reaching 200 years old as a norm!

    • Photo: Angela Stokes

      Angela Stokes answered on 21 Nov 2014:

      Hi coca-cola
      I echo Sarah’s thoughts, cells have a defined life, including those in the brain, so I think there will be an increase in average life span for a few more years but we will reach a point where we cant keep our cells viable anymore.
