• Question: How hard is your job?

    Asked by 464chea27 to Angela on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Angela Stokes

      Angela Stokes answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Hi 464chea27

      How hard is my job?

      Well that is an interesting question but if you think about it, anything that you do for the first time can be hard. So if you asked me, for example, to ride a motorbike, I would probably say it was hard simply because I haven’t done it before.

      When I first started to work in Regulatory Affairs I hadn’t done it before so yes it was hard, but as I learned more and gained more confidence it became easier. I think it is good to remember that, when you think something is hard, think about whether it is the first time you have done it and if it is, tell yourself it is ok that it is hard…..as you do it more and more times it will get easier!

      Having said that, my job is different each day and every day there are new challenges so it is a little bit hard everyday. When I get a challenging problem, I sit down and think about it, and scribble ideas to solve it on pieces of paper. I also ask my colleagues for their advice and then usually come up with a couple of solutions to discuss with my project teams.

      Sometimes there is no solution and we have to step back and start again, but this is all part of the learning experience and shouldn’t been seen as failure.

      So rather than saying my job is hard, I prefer to say that it is challenging.
